Saturday, August 20, 2011

On the Train to Munich!

Okay, so it's been a while since my last post.  A lot has happened. 

Okay, right now I'm on the train to Munich, riding second class.  The German countryside is incredible, and stunningly beautiful. 

The guy sitting next to me just walked in our second class room with a beer.  Europe is different in many ways.

Though before I left, I got to feed the donkeys!  Here is Kurt, happy to be fed.  

Here is the Pingen's cat, Paul.  They say he is "nicht freundlich", meaning not friendly, though he was always nice to me.  Maybe I'm just used to very mean cats at home.

Here is all of the exchange students and Anja and Olga, our orientation and German language course teachers at the going away party two nights ago.  

My wonderful host family this morning, before we left for the Koln Banhof. 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Day in Cologne. (Der Kölner Dom)

 The Cologne Cathedral. None of my pictures seem to be able to capture it's massiveness.

Picture from the bottom.  On the left you can see the renovation projects that have been nearly constant on the cathedral.  The old stone is frequently falling into disrepair.

I loved the all the Gothic architecture at the Cathedral, but the statues were fascinating.  I suppose these are disciples or something.  The entire Cathedral had hundreds of statues from top to bottom.

Two more of the many incredibly old statues there!

Again, the architecture was fascinating.  I took a particular fondness to this gargoyle-looking statue thing protruding of the side as I ascended to the top of the 150 meter tall Cathedral.

A closer look.

The Cathedral had a splendid view of Cologne from the top.

The train station is right next to the Cathedral, making it an extremely popular tourist attraction.

Great view of the Rhein as well as the city.

I like panorama pictures, though most of the ones I try end in tragedy.  One of the twelve Romanesque churches in the middle, for example.

Still a long climb from where we were alowed.

One of the twelve Romanesque churches that surround the Cologne cathedral.

More statues at the top!

Lovely  Köln!

Many of the churches that surround the Cathedral are almost as old as Köln itself.

Another shot of the Cathedral from afar.  Another attempt to capture on my camera just how huge it is.

After the visit to the Cathedral we went on a tour of Köln along the Rhein!  Here is one of the great medieval towers along the river!  There are more pictures like this to follow.

Another shot of the Cathedral with one of the Romanesque churches.

 An old tower behind the chocolate museum of Köln!  I didn't actually get to visit it that trip.  I hear they have a chocolate fountain!

Another tower! Hooray!  Old buildings!

 There are many buildings like this in Köln. So old!  So nifty!

I really liked these buildings.  There is another one like that too, over to the left.  I have no idea why they are like that.

 More old churches!

And more!

 The cathedral and the theatre.  They are currently showing "Die Schöne und das Biest."

A view of the cathedral doors and one of the squares in front of it.  Unfortunately this was not the square with the people acting like statues or making giant soap bubbles.